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That’s not the best question you could ask.  Perhaps the best question is “why don’t I have all of the facts”?  Dive into our product reviews and get informed!
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Our team here at lives for the great adventure.  We are also guys just like the rest of you who are working hard and paying bills.  We know what we like and we fell we have a good handle on what will be beneficial to our customers.  Take advantage of our hobby and learn what took us all years to learn by just following our reviews.
Knowledge is power, or so they say.  GI Joe said it this way…”knowing is halve the battle”  GO JOE!
In all seriousness, when it comes to the safety of you and your loved ones.  The knowledge you can glean from the information you have at your disposal here at 1Survivor is invaluable.
Most of us are living the daily grind and our focus is greatly upset due to the continuing barrage of useless information on an everyday basis.  We suggest you give your mind a break and focus on your family every chance you get.  Read a book, take your kids hiking and explore the great outdoors.

Choose Your Side

The one who knows

Be informed, be the one who is ready when a disaster hits. Be the one who can protect your family and loved ones.

Be the one

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1 Survivor

Without a clue

Knowledge is power and by choosing the dark said you are choosing to wonder and wish. Be the one who knows and not the one who wish he knew.

Without a clue

Don't be the person who wished they had done more. The following link takes you nowhere. There is a reason for that 🙂

Join the Empire!